
Wegahta Tsehaye (@alba_tsehaye)

This painting called 'Gezana,’ which means our home, is a contemporary acrylic piece that tells a story about an Eritrean/Ethiopian woman who’s proud of her natural beauty, tradition, and roots. I partly used mandala details and geez letters (Eritrean/Ethiopian letters), which reads Tigrinya – one of the ethnic groups in Eritrea. Gezana features some handmade crafts like the coffee pot (Jebena), and some traditional clothing prints made by our mothers. This reminds me of home! This painting made me feel good about myself and helped distract me from the hard time we are currently facing, especially because social distancing has had an impact on me on a personal level. But as my father used to say, “everything happens for a reason.” I have been trying my best to see the brighter side. I had the opportunity to spend more quality time with my precious baby girl, and of course, I found myself in art. I took advantage of this time. I created many things and got out of my comfort zone. Aside from being an artist or painter, art is all about feeding your soul and showing your inner person to the rest of the world. With you, I share my home.


About the Artist

Wegahta Tsehaye is a self-taught painter based in Norway. She was born and raised in Eritrea, Asmara and is a single mother. When Wegahta is not creating her art, she works as a medical secretary and French teacher. She loves to incorporate bright colors (acrylic paint), mandala details and traditional clothing prints in her artwork to show the vibrancy of her culture. Wegahta grew up in a very supportive family her entire life with both parents and older sister Hermon. After facing the loss of her dad and sister, combined with the social and political issues of her country, Wegahta had to immigrate. Once settled, she decided to get back to painting in honor of her sister. Her goal is to tell a story, using her art as her voice, and encourage other Black women across the globe who have been through hard times that there is beauty in rebirth.