Centralizing Sisterhood & Self-Care

Rochelle Clarke (@rochellecreative)

For the longest time I never came across artwork that resonated with my lived experience of the world, or works that represented my community. Whilst I was studying, I genuinely believed that being a successful artist was very much a “white" thing and I didn’t really have a space to exist. I felt so uninspired by what I was taught in art school and the artists I had to research. So I began creating pieces that I would want displayed in my own home, artworks that I would love to gift my sisters and future daughters. Once I started making the kind of work I wanted to see, I started finding more artists making black art. All of a sudden, I found communities of black artists creating incredible works.

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I’m glad that the lack of representation of artists who look like me never stopped me from aiming for a career within the arts. If anything, it was the driving force that led to where I am, because I desperately wanted to feel seen and be surrounded by black art. I honestly didn’t know there were so many incredible black artists in the world until I went out and found them myself. I started creating black art myself from my own experience. Thankfully, many people resonate with it so I know not only it is needed in the larger picture, but I'm on the right path within my own artist practice, as well. 

The world of black artists is actually so vast and unbelievably beautiful. The work we make is intricate, vibrant, full of culture and stories and unlike anything I’ve seen in the mainstream. I am cultivating a safe and supportive space for uplifting Black women and teaching healing through art. It’s the kind of space I needed when I was a young girl. My daughter will be surrounded by positive imagery and art that looks like her. Our work will no longer be censored.

“Black women are the blueprint. They deserve the same outpouring of time, love and energy that they’ve offered to the world since the beginning of time. We are truly works of Art.” – Rochelle Clarke


About The Artist


RochelleCreative is a creative studio specialising in minimalist abstract design, oil paintings and illustration. Rooted in the free expression of WOC, nature and self-care. Dedicated to uplifting and promoting healing through positive imagery, to those who are underrepresented within the arts industries. 

Rochelle’s early works were inspired by strong, wise and gentle women that surrounded her growing up. These women were not represented adequately within the arts and so Rochelle went on to create collections of digital illustrations, oil paintings and accessories, centralising black women and girls, sisterhood and art therapy whilst exploring themes of individuality, friendship, love and healing from trauma.