Black in America

Jazmine McFadden (@jmcfadden_art)

This painting depicts how Black men and children, and I, as a Black woman, feel during this current time and over the years on this earth. It is a time when systematic racism is present and alive. Black men, women, and children are still fearing for their lives. Where a Black man's smile and strength is viewed as rebellion; his worth less than that of a dog. Where a Black woman hears constant ridicule about her aesthetics. Where a Black child's retention for humanity and empathy is scathed, asking constantly am I next? I believe that life you see is a person's birth right, but there is a lack of humanity and soul. Those two elements are qualities that allow you to acknowledge and recognize another as a human being. In the past, I have restrained myself from sharing and expressing pieces that I thought weren’t good enough; but while painting this piece, I realized that my pulpit is spreading the gospel of truth and empathy through art. This painting was essential for me to complete, share, and protest with. I want to remind us how important it is to be deliberate, to control the narrative, and to affect change. We really do need one another. I plan to use my voice by painting pieces that I’ve long desired to create. They may attract criticism but, more importantly, they will be a catalyst for conversation to open the minds of those who relate more to the arts than other avenues.


About the Artist

Jazmine McFadden is a 30 year old visual artist born and raised in New York with a lifelong love for the visual arts. While spending most of her childhood dancing with a traveling team, Jazmine has grown up under a creative influence her entire life. Jazmine began painting in 2017, as a mere hobby with no formal education or training, but has since transformed her art into a business. Jazmine’s colorful work reflects a therapeutic-like art that is relentless and knows no bounds. As an artist, Jazmine works with acrylic and mixed mediums on canvas to create concepts that provide a sense of realism, mysticism, and beauty. She creates contemporary art that exemplifies and pays homage to ongoing themes of self-love, social justice, femininity, unity, family, and spirituality. Jazmine’s vision that art is wonderful, ambiguous, and can transcend time and circumstance, has recently inspired a generation of young collectors and aspiring artists. Over the last three years, Jazmine has shown her work locally in Charlotte, NC, as well as in Atlanta and New York. Her art is her therapy and she intends to make an impact through creating authentically and being an inspiration for the up and coming young artist; reminding them that it’s okay to turn your dreams into reality and flourish.